Woman and child cleaning with Force of Nature

How to Choose Natural Cleaning Products Without Toxic Chemicals

Did you know there is no federal criteria for what makes a cleaning product “natural”? That’s why many “natural” cleaners contain toxic chemicals. Here’s what you need to know to choose safer cleaners for your home.
non-toxic cleaning products

Cleaners and Lung Damage: The Scary Truth

Recent research has found the cumulative effect of cleaning products on our respiratory systems to be as damaging as smoking twenty cigarettes a day. Even “natural” cleaners are not immune. Here’s how to find truly non-toxic cleaners.
eco-friendly baby gifts

Eco-Friendly Baby Gifts Every Parent Will Love

As expecting parents are plunged into a new world of products, they’re understandably concerned about making the best possible choices for their precious little people. Gifting thoughtful, eco-friendly baby gifts is a great way to share responsible brands that can help throughout the parenting journey.

5 Non-Toxic Buzzwords You Should Know

It’s hard out here in the non-toxic trenches, where the packaging claims seem designed to confuse us! We’re here to make it a little easier with this list of commonly used household & personal care non-toxic buzzwords.