Try This, Not That! Your Safer Summer Product Guide

Summer is a time when you’re almost constantly exposing yourself to products to keep you safe from bugs and sunburns.  Before you reach for that old standby with questionable ingredients, here are some of our top choices for safer natural products this summer.
Woman and child cleaning with Force of Nature

How to Choose Natural Cleaning Products Without Toxic Chemicals

Did you know there is no federal criteria for what makes a cleaning product “natural”? That’s why many “natural” cleaners contain toxic chemicals. Here’s what you need to know to choose safer cleaners for your home.
chemical free products & toxic preservatives to avoid

6 Toxic Preservatives Every Family Needs to Avoid

Preservatives are in just about every product your family uses daily, but commonly used preservatives are associated with a multitude of health risks.  Learn the top 6 to avoid.

DIY Cleaning Products: Vinegar’s Surprising Drawbacks

Vinegar has so many amazing uses, including making your own cleaning products. It does have some drawbacks to be aware of though, such as not being safe on some common surfaces and not being able to kill the germs that make families sick.